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News - Ghana Embassy in Italy - Rome

Friday 6th March, 2020 has been declared a statutory public holiday in Ghana, in observance of the 63rd Independence Day Celebration of the Republic of Ghana.

The Mission will accordingly be closed on Friday 6th March, 2020.

In view of the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus, the Embassy of Ghana in Italy wishes to draw the attention of the general public to the following behavioral standards put together by the Technical Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Health of Italy to contain the outbreak:

  • “Maintain a distance of at least 1 metre from other individuals and avoid crowded places;
  • Avoid gatherings that cause overcrowding and that breach the security distance;
  • Avoid kissing, hugging or shaking hands with other individuals;
  • Individuals aged 75 and individuals aged 65 carrying other pathologies should go out only if strictly necessary;
  • Individuals with a fever should stay at home, even if they think they do not have the coronavirus;
  • All meetings and congresses should be postponed, especially those concerning health/sanitary matters and public utility affairs;
  • Limit, as much as possible, the presence of family members in the waiting rooms of emergency structures, as well as visits to the elderly in the rest houses;
  • Avoid the exchange of bottles or cups, especially during sports activities;
  • Sneeze and cough using a handkerchief and throw it immediately without touching the secretions;
  • Avoid the presence of precious jewelry whilst washing your hands: they inhibit the correct cleaning of the hands”.

The Embassy of Ghana wishes to emphasize the need for strict adherence to these guidelines to ensure the protection and safety of everyone.

Meanwhile, the Embassy of Ghana is considering other possible arrangements through which Ghanaians in Italy may be provided with the needed assistance.

Kindly call Hotline numbers 3209617940 and 3342443411 for assistance.


H.E. Eudora Hilda Quartey Koranteng
